Reload It is a company which began in June 2019 and has grown as the company has matured. Reload It overall now has three different entities which all reside under Reload it.Reload It drinks specialises in offering flavorful beverages for any occasion from alcoholic slushies to mocktail pouches amongst other developed products.Alongside selling our beverages Reload It events was established, a subsidiary of Reload It, which organises and runs events. We specialise in Game Nights, Brunch and other activity based events, What better way to enjoy our tempting drinks than at a reload it function.Reload It kitchen followed in which we offer patties, desserts amongst bagels and more.Front page Reload It is a company which specializes in offering flavorful beverages for any occasion. Whether its Cocktails for a brunch or our tasty non-alcoholic punch we are able to cater for it all.Providing you with the perfect drinks to satisfy all needs. With freeze able fresh juice pouches for kids! to a range of cocktails and mocktails pouches for adults