Using your voice in a strategic, creative, functional and healthy manner? Learn it here! Discover my philosophy: 2007, I organize private & group lessons, coaching, lectures, workshops and masterclasses in Belgium and abroad. I work with singers and speakers with very different backgrounds. From amateur to professional, from artistic to business, from therapeutic to scientific. Read all about it in my biography ( you looking for a dry summary of my education and experience? You'll find it in my CV ( I specialize in the holistic approach, I have gathered around me a team of people that are also of service to you and your voice: ENT-specialists, speech therapists, osteopaths & chiropractors, nutritionists, psychotherapists, language coaches, recording studios,… If necessary, I can connect you to the right person.I get to work with people that trust me with their voice on such a personal and sometimes emotional journey. That makes me grateful…