Research Assistant at Boston University - Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies (Pardee School) - Boston, Massachusetts, United States
The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University offers graduate and undergraduate education in international relations, regional studies and global public policy. We are a 21st -century school committed to the education of problem solvers, agents of change and leaders of tomorrow. (The former Department of International Relations at Boston University is now part of, and referred to as, the Pardee School. Alumni of the Department of International Relations, or any other degree now in the Pardee School, should consider themselves Pardee School Alumni).The Pardee School offers six graduate degrees with eight functional specializations, five undergraduate majors, eight undergraduate minors, and a rigorous five-year BA/MAIA program. The Pardee School also brings together eight centers and programs of regional and thematic studies. Housed within the College of Arts and Sciences, the Pardee School has close collaborations with all Schools and Colleges at Boston University.