Abe Brown Ministries, Inc. (ABM) is a 501(c)(3) organization founded with the purpose of giving offenders positive pathways to crime-free futures. Abe Brown Ministries assists ex-offenders and their families by providing re-entry services to those returning to Hillsborough County after incarceration. Our goal is to reunite families that are broken as a result of incarceration and return them to productive lives within their community. Abe Brown Ministries also operates the Transitional Living Program (TLP), a 12-month program that provides returning offenders with managed housing, case management, direct linkages to supportive services, and employment placement assistance. In September of 2014, ABM replicated the nationally-recognized Ready4Work program designed to provide holistic workforce training and job placement services through case management, life and job skills training, life-coaching (mentoring), job placement assistance, and data tracking.