Growing up as a troubled youth himself, Founder and Executive Director, Patrick Adams, took a step of faith in 2005 and assembled a team of people with the same passion and vision to create an early-intervention program designed to pour love and acceptance into struggling teens. Remembrance Ranch was founded in 2010 and held it's first program in 2012.Remembrance Ranch is a non-denominational Christian therapy-based early intervention program for struggling teen boys ages 11-14 who are displaying disruptive behaviors at home and/or at school. Our program was created specifically for those teens who are not acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to become successful adults; these teens may be acting out in ways that make early intervention necessary.Early intervention prevents the onset of further delinquent behavior and supports the development of teens' assets and resilience. While many programs available in West Michigan focus on re-mediating visible an/or long lasting disruptive behavior, research has shown that prevention and early intervention are more effective.