Mechanical technical leader at Pentstar Service LLC - Százhalombatta, Pest County, Hungary
One of the leading Hungarian suppliers of mechanical works in the field of refineries, chemical and power plants, working also in a vide range of other industries like food and bewerage, automotive, etc Our cca 200 employees have been working in industrial mechanical engineering since 1994 and the Group turnover in 2009 reached 11.5 Million euro. We are one of the most dynamically developing Companies on the energy market, as well as on the field of industrial services. Our professional team employs welders, iron workers, pipe-fitters, engineers and appliance mechanics.with industry-specific skills, and an engineering dept to plan and design this kind of works. Our main activities range from technical fitting to the installation and maintenance of appliances, oil and gas or other industry pipelines, storage tanks, towers, boilers and pressure vessels, heat-exchangers, process piping and steel structure; also heat systems.