CHAIR-Elect National League for Nursing at National League for Nursing - Washington, District of Columbia, US
The National League for Nursing represents nurse faculty and leaders in nursing education. Founded in 1893 as the nation’s first nursing association, the NLN promotes excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community. The NLN offers faculty development programs, networking opportunities, testing and assessment, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its 40,000 individual and 1,300 institutional members. Through LinkedIn, the National League for Nursing seeks to support and honor our core values of caring, integrity, diversity and inclusion, and excellence. The NLN welcomes and encourages your comments and perspectives on the content we post and generally do not moderate posts and comments from others, except where content is offensive, hateful, threatening, or libelous; is racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminates against a class of people; contains spam or fraudulent links; or endorses illegal activity. We ask that you keep comments relevant to the original post, and refrain from repeating the same message across multiple unrelated posts. Any post deemed to be in violation of this policy is subject to reporting and/or removal, and the user is subject to being blocked from our page. The views expressed in LinkedIn comments are created by our community, and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of the NLN.