Pat Honiotes, M.S. is an internationally renowned personal and spiritual empowerment coach, educator and healer. A former special education teacher with a Masters Degrees in Counseling Psychology, Pat is also a Board Certified Medical Hypnoanalyst, and a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer. In her private practice, which she began in 1982, Pat combines humor and heart, intuition and intellect, education and experience, into a nourishing, yet challenging, environment that encourages awareness and growth for her clients. "I have the privilege of getting to work with people who want to take full ownership of their lives," Pat says. "I coach them in discovering themselves, and then guide and support them in reclaiming their lives." Using down-to-earth language, honesty, an unwavering devotion to privacy, her natural intuitive gifts and a sparkling sense of humor, Pat helps her clients learn to find ways to release and move beyond any obstacles that may be inhibiting their awareness and development. She says, "I meet people where they are, and try to help them remember who they are at their core and encourage them to be that on purpose. Seeing them become more and more the people they were meant to be is fun and exciting."