Detroit Bureau and Financial Desk Manager at DNS (Dysengia News Service) at PCC - London, ENG, UK
Psychology of Cultural Changeis a term that evolved out of years of experience.....and necessity! Our approach has been constructed over the last 20 years, from front-line experience within the world of organisational change. Having worked internationally in various sectors, it became apparent that the standard methods of training and implementation employed over the last 35years in industry and more recently, finance, health and government sectors, suffered similar issues regardless of organisational purpose! It became our mission to provide a method of delivering 'sustainable change' which we have achieved. Working with renowned leaders & innovative thinkers from the worlds of Health and social services, Education and Industry, both in the UK and the USA, PCC has been constructed to address the principles and philosophies that underly 'Change' as experienced emotionally by humans - especially as applicable to Lean Six Sigma. Using simple models to provide context, we deliver programs suited to all levels of public sector and private organisations. Our courses provide 'meaning' - required for each and every individual to understand and make cognitive choices over their actions and reactions, relative to their immediate conditions and organisational objectives. Providing a vehicle by which people can emotionally function in a new way, a change to culture is autonomous. With this level of awareness, strategic development and tools and techniques implementation programs are implemented sustainably.