Senior Manager, Inside Sales at ERIS - Environmental Risk Information Services - Toronto, Ontario, CA
ERIS is a leading provider of detailed environmental property risk research. Leveraging our industry-leading research tools, we provide our clients and partners with in-depth property data for phase I site assessments, real estate due diligence, industry compliance information, and environmental hazard research. ERIS is the only company to provide comprehensive data to assess environmental risk throughout North America. Serving Canada, the US, and Mexico, ERIS provides current and historical property information. Our environmental database reports, physical setting reports (PSR), historical property information including fire insurance maps, aerial photos (historical aerials), topographic maps, city directory searches, chains of title, and lien searches are used by environmental consultants, commercial developers, lenders, home inspectors, for real estate due diligence and commercial environmental planning. ERIS meets criteria set by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Since 1999, ERIS has delivered accurate, affordable, on-demand database research services. How can we help your company?