Pre-clinical, clinical and environmental risk assessor for veterinary medicines
The federal agency for medicines and health products (famhp) is the Belgian competent authority in charge of ensuring the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines and health products (medical devices and accessories, raw materials, blood and blood products of human origin, human tissue material), for human and veterinary use, in clinical development and on the market.The famhp works together with the academic world, the pharmaceutical industry and the other industries concerned, healthcare professionals, other national, European and worldwide authorities, as well as policy makers, in order to provide everybody with the necessary medicines and health products and to help patients and citizens to use them correctly.The famhp has grown since its creation from an organization with a few dozen employees to an agency that has more than 500 employees which are mostly scientifically trained. The agency consists out of five entities: three Directorates-General, DG PRE authorisation, DG POST authorisation and DG INSPECTION, the support services and the CEO Services.