Comunicazione e marketing associativo at ASSOESCo Associazione delle Energy Service Company - Rome, Lazio, Italy
Membro del comitato direttivo presso AssoESCo Associazione Italiana delle Energy Service Company
ASSOESCo, the Association of Italian Energy Service Companies, was founded in 2005 with the aim to boost the energy efficiency market by bringing together Energy Service Companies, technology providers and professionals.ASSOESCo represents more than 60 companies covering a wide range of services: design and implementation of energy saving projects, energy conservation, energy infrastructure outsourcing, power generation, risk management.Common mission of Associated companies and professionals is to promote energy efficiency and improvement of environmental impactsAs a member of CSIT (Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services), ASSOESCo benefits from synergies with Confindustria, the lead organization representing the manufacturing, construction, energy, transportation, ICT, tourism and services industries in Italy.