Mohr Media is a publishing platform that promotes public engagement in and understanding of the global world. We value good journalistic principles while covering global economics, producing educational videos and publishing books.Open-Source Model for Finding TruthMohr Media intends to advance public policy debates. We use an open-source model for operating. Journalism can be competitive or cooperative. It can be follow-the-pack, a non-enlightening competition, or follow-the-leads, a constructive method where reporters build news stories based off the leads of others. Always original, always supportive.While many media outlets compete to publish the quickest story, Mohr Media supports a collaborative framework that fosters understanding by building stories piece-by-piece. When one journalist succeeds, it helps everyone. Collaborating with others means citing sources, crediting others' work, posing questions, and using solid methods for establishing facts.We contribute to the foundation of knowledge from which solutions can come.Audience: Mohr Media's Global Economic Report is for business leaders operating in a global marketplace, diplomats, policymakers, educators and their students, and individuals engaged in understanding a global world.