J Daly Associates connects you with 97% of U.S. and International educators through their exclusive access to the audiences of the National Education Association (NEA), Smithsonian K-12, The Educator's Network, Big Deal Media, Edmodo, eSchoolMedia and The National School Boards Association (NSBA). Online, in print and and in-person we help your exceed your goals, delivering your message in educator trusted and popular e-newsletters, flagship magazines, e-books, webinars, custom emails and popular education websites. We tap into the passion of educators and education decision makers who actively embrace the digital and social networking landscape but respond well to traditional print outreach. We help you connect with your target audience on multiple levels, collaboratively utilizing bold digital outreach, tried–and–true media and emerging technologies to deliver your message. We deliver loyal audiences of engaged educators and consumers assembling the right resources to drive results.