REINVENTING TALENT ACQUISITION WITH A BOLD NEW WAY OF SOURCING TO LOWER COSTS, IMPROVE CANDIDATE QUALITY, AND INCREASE AGILITYOpptly combines over 50 years of talent sourcing best practices, SaaS technology, and dedicated curation teams to change the way job seekers and talent seekers connect – offering our clients an innovative and more strategic approach to talent acquisition. We leverage technological innovation and humanize the entire talent acquisition experience by removing barriers and establishing a holistic hiring approach. Opptly's direct sourcing solution revolutionizes the way you rapidly connect with stellar candidates in a talent community. We dramatically enhance your contingent workforce platform and ensure compatibility with your existing program infrastructure, whether you have a Managed Services Provider (MSP) Program or a Vendor Management System (VMS). Opptly creates a more direct connection between talent and talent seekers. At our core, the very heart of Opptly's solution is an industry-leading technology that is the gold standard in contingent workforce acquisition. Opptly not only takes the guesswork out of the candidate search through state-of-the-art technology, but we round out our approach by putting the human back into human interaction. Opptly tirelessly pursues our vision to create an innovative talent acquisition-sourcing model. A model where AI enhances searching with a seamless integration that dramatically improves results without affecting your process and talent curation services improve candidate engagement by allowing job seekers and talent seekers to feel more connected than ever before. By removing delays, breaking down obstacles to success, and streamlining the overall process, we create a more enjoyable and productive experience for everyone.