Looking to drive an innovative process means to implement a cross-disciplinary approach to existing problems, bringing multiple expertise and lateral thinking. WEARPURE.TECH is a material technology born from the collaboration of molecular biologists, computational designers, and manufacturing experts, and what it offers is a soothing treatment for our polluted habitats. This material has the capacity to neutralize the main GHG gasses contaminating the air we breathe. WEARPURE.Tech is an advanced polymer integrating CO2Pure, a 100% natural mineral compound, with the property to mineralize CO2, NOx, and reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). It can be applied to any surface, converting it into an actuating material, programmed to adsorb and neutralize air pollutants through a process of carbon mineralization We decided to implement this material technology through 3d printing and advanced manufacturing to a wide range of sectors, from fashion tech to product development.We believe materials can lead to a new awakening movement of creativity and innovation.With WEARPURE.TECHwe don't want to simply throw out the latest trendy material tech, we want to empower a collective of individuals, industries, administrations to thrive for change, together.