Paul Biemann

Clerk at Healics Inc. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Paul Biemann's Contact Details
(414) 375-1600
Healics Inc.
Paul Biemann's Company Details
Healics Inc. logo, Healics Inc. contact details

Healics Inc.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US • 81 Employees
Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services

Healics, A Health Outcomes Company Driven by analytics, people, purposeful engagement, and automation. We identify, engage and report. Outcomes are achieved with such tools as employer clinics, wellness programs, and population health. Services can be purchased separately or as part of a comprehensive program. Our model is focused on reducing top cost drivers, chronic disease management, Rx management, triage to top performing providers, maximizing prevention and lowering primary & urgent care costs. Owned and operated by medical professionals, Healics offers a range of independent programs that can be combined and customized to design an employee wellness program that works for participants and employers. We provide flexible, tailored, results-oriented wellness solutions, including employer clinics, for organizations of all sizes. Working together with our clients, we create wellness cultures that help to lower insurance claims, reduce health premiums, and most importantly, allow people to lead healthier, happier, more vibrant lives.

employer clinics biometric screenings corporate wellness programs disease management preventive care primary care health assessments population health management mobile apps health resources portal incentive management programs professional health coaching chiropractic care ROI reporting analytics Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services Health and Allied Services Nec Health Wellness and Fitness Health Beauty Fitness Consumer Services
Details about Healics Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Paul Biemann
Paul Biemann currently works for Healics Inc..
Paul Biemann's role at Healics Inc. is Clerk.
Paul Biemann's email address is *** To view Paul Biemann's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Paul Biemann works in the Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services industry.
Paul Biemann's colleagues at Healics Inc. are Ross Huber, Michelle Ruth, Mary Hilgenberg, Kirsten Gaskin, Brenda Lambrecht, Terry Gander, Barbara Lukas and others.
Paul Biemann's phone number is (414) 375-1600
See more information about Paul Biemann