Environmental Cleaning solutions -The 3 companies under the Greentree aegis ( Greentree Environmental, Greentree Mobile Showers & Greentree BioSafe ) provide natural Bio-based solutions to solve a wide variety of cleaning, disinfection, decontamination & remediation problems: The BioSafe group of clients now include Exxon Mobil, DIAGEO, Albert Hubbard, Toyota & BAA, to name a few.Our partners BioSafe Solutions Ltd, introduced to Europe 100% natural & organic, plant based nanotechnology to break down soiling, whether Hydrocarbon, Petrocarbon, Organic or Inorganic. Our products and our cleaning processes are: NON-TOXIC NON-REACTIVE NON-CORROSIVE 100% BiodegradableValue Added cleaning solutions provide environmental excellence that assists organisations to meet the constantly increasing Health & Safety and Environmental legislation as wellas the challenges of zero waste.