555Media are based in London and have been involved in developing software and providing integrated mobile technology solutions since 2004.We are leading specialists in Audio Watermarking which have passed Millitary, Financial and Broadcast standards in the UK and USA.Our secure 555Media framework powered by ActiveMedia provides a number of solutions from Media Research to Interactive Mobile Play.With interactive TV and Smartphones becoming part of our every day use, 555Media looks forward to an exciting future as we release the latest version of our unique technology ActiveMedia encoded with iWab.iWab is a State of the Art Software Application for Watermarking TV, Radio or any Production or Advert. When linked with ActiveMedia our Intelligent Smartphone Framework and Database it can interact with an Audience.Our solutions enable organisations to combine Interactive Play, Market Research and Watermarked Broadcasting.With the UK providing Digital TV, Sky TV and Freeview and with the USA having around 200 network channels, it is estimated that the combined interactive revenue would generate in excess of £70bn per annum, making the figures for global revenue completely mind blowing.Our solutions can be tailor designed to integrate with your exisiting applications or designed and built from scratch, depending on your needs.