Cornerstone Asset Metals is managed by Accredited Asset Management Specialists. We strive to serve your needs in protecting and preserving your wealth through dedicated customized strategies for each individual or institution. We are here to serve you, work to satisfy your concerns, and communicate with respect. We understand how the political elite have devised a system that transfers wealth from the innocent to the wicked, so we aim to reverse that process through strategic precious metal education and to put “we the people” back in charge of our wealth.Cornerstone Asset Metals provides some of the most exceptional bullion products available to consumers today. We have a strict policy of only providing the finest bullion products that exceed the highest standards which pass our guidelines of purity/weight, quality, and craftsmanship. Our company delivers precious metals directly to individuals and ministries nationwide.Many of the Cornerstone Mint products are authorized for use in IRAs and are ISO-9000-2008 certified, poured and derived from an LBMA approved refinery.