InsightFuture marketing concentrates on small to midsize business in the Medical Technology Industry and Aged Care Service sector, focusing on creating an effective content strategy to enhance your digital inbound marketing platform and internet presence.PARTNERSHIPWorking in partnership, to obtain a clear understanding of your target audience and brands will assist in producing informative, intellectual and story-telling content that supports your business goals to achieve higher results.OUR PROCESSInsightFuture conducts a simple ABC assessment to check your inbound marketing effectiveness.'A' Health Audit is carried out to clarify what is needed to sustain a healthier marketing content pulse that attracts and connects you firmly to your potential customers.The next step 'B' is to develop a content strategy to provide a framework for creating remarkable content, matched to your target audience (persona) profile and their buyer's journey.‘C' the last step reviews your essential website tools to determine what needs to be updated. The website tools are part of the framework for delivering a successful Content Strategy that supports the inbound methodology. For example, Responsive Website Design (RWD) / Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) / Call-To-Action (CTA), Landing Page & Thank You Page / Blogging / Social Media / CRM / Marketing Automation Software.OUTCOMEThe outcome is to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent inbound marketing content to attract, convert, close and delight a clearly-defined audience.Contact us to find out more