Member of the Board of Directors at International Corrections and Prisons Association - Columbia, SC, US
The ICPA was formed to operate as an Association for corrections and prison professionals, dedicated to improving global understanding and professionalism in the sector. As an Association, we believe that improving the professionalism and competence of correctional officers is likely to have a greater positive impact on prison conditions and the humane treatment of prisoners than most other actions. The Association is therefore not a lobbying or prisoner rights organisation but exists to provide an inclusive, safe and secure forum for the respectful exchange of ideas, technology, and best practices in the profession of corrections.ICPA promotes co-operation and collaborative initiatives between jurisdictions in areas of common interest, staff exchanges and study visits between interested jurisdictions. We encourage, where relevant, the involvement of victims, offenders' families, volunteer organisations and others in the community in finding helpful and workable solutions to correctional and criminal justice issues. We try to enhance public education, and understanding and involvement in correctional matters.ICPA is a non-governmental organisation in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).