Paul Ksiazek

Software Engineer at KAYAK - Stamford, Connecticut, US

Paul Ksiazek's Contact Details
(203) 899-3100
Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
Paul Ksiazek's Company Details
KAYAK logo, KAYAK contact details


Stamford, Connecticut, US • 1161 Employees

At KAYAK, we help millions of travelers around the globe make confident travel decisions. As the world’s leading travel search engine, KAYAK searches other sites to show travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages. And because we aim to help travelers explore the world more confidently, we’re always on the lookout for ways to make travel planning and trip management easier – offering up a variety of tools and features such as KAYAK Trips, Explore, Price Forecast and our constantly evolving app and A.I. innovations. KAYAK is part of a global network that includes our sister brand OpenTable, as well as a portfolio of travel metasearch brands including Swoodoo, checkfelix, momondo, Cheapflights, Mundi and HotelsCombined. Collectively, we’re uniquely equipped to help people experience the world through travel and dining. KAYAK is part of Booking Holdings Inc. and operates sites in more than 70 countries and territories. KAYAK will never request payment(s) from its candidates for open positions. If you have ever been contacted about a job at KAYAK by phone/Whatsapp or email, and have been asked to provide a Credit Card, wire transfer or crypto payment, please be aware that KAYAK is not associated with this outreach. If you receive a suspicious request regarding a career opportunity at KAYAK, please report it to us. To find out more, visit

Online Travel Flight Hotel Booking Car Rental Innovative Travel Technology Global Travel Services
Details about KAYAK
Frequently Asked Questions about Paul Ksiazek
Paul Ksiazek currently works for KAYAK.
Paul Ksiazek's role at KAYAK is Software Engineer.
Paul Ksiazek's email address is *** To view Paul Ksiazek's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Paul Ksiazek works in the Internet industry.
Paul Ksiazek's colleagues at KAYAK are Brian Wilson, Scott Brucato, Matt Campelli, David Machado, Jeffrey Pezzone, Yolanda Li, Jeremy Socia and others.
Paul Ksiazek's phone number is (203) 899-3100
See more information about Paul Ksiazek