Trained by MIT and Harvard in advanced technology and digital manufacturing, ISS is composed of a team of degreed professionals from the electrical, software, and manufacturing engineering fields.CHANGING MANUFACTURINGOur core mission is constant improvement to the manufacturing methods of the world. We do copiously check with ANSI, ISO, DIN, NEC, NFPA, OSHA, FDA, EPA, ASTM, IEC, and others to maintain and execute high standards. PARTS BORROWING PROGRAMTry before you buy.This program is used to lend parts to client's who want a prototype. Allowing them to use these parts, experiment, test, and analyze their conceptualized design free of charge.COMPLEX PART & MACHINE DESIGN AND PRODUCTIONDeploying Established Scientific Practices2D & 3D COMPUTER-AIDED DRAWING AND MODELINGUsing High Performance Fusion 360RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTCreating Innovative Business Solutions