RxY (part of the P/S/L Group) is a Global Healthcare Research business focused on understanding the real reasons behind treatment selection. Founded in 2018, RxY is dedicated to helping our clients understand which therapies are considered for a patient, what drives the actual treatment decision, and why therapies were not considered. Focusing on "in-play" patients, i.e., newly-initiating or switching, RxY provides unique insights and recommendations to drive clients' patient share.RxY utilizes AI and chatbot technology to deliver precise understanding of "in the moment" decision making by physicians. Via our analytics teams, RxY provides deep analysis supporting: senior executives, competitor intelligence, brand & insights teams.Deliverables include, but are not limited to: reports, presentations, workshops, and dashboards.To discuss how RxY can address your unmet, business-critical needs, please contact: paul.oshaughnessy@rxyhc.com