Think Truck is a collective of idea builders from strategy, design, creative and production. We deliver fast, fresh thinking that solves the stickiest of brand problems. Because to us, good thinking is the foundation of good doing.We're a team of tinkerers who stray away from titles and love to get our hands dirty. Leaving big agencies behind we're now focused on colliding strategic thinking and creativity to get to disruptive ideas sooner. We thrive on wicked and complex problems, relishing the opportunity to take things apart before putting them back together again in new and fresh ways. As a diverse bunch, we're constantly bringing fresh skill sets to the table as part of our ever-growing curiosity.How we work is boiled down to 4 core beliefs:Simplicity = beats complex every timeIf it's not simple, it's not finished because the best thinking needs little explanation.Freedom = to challenge patterns of thinking and doingUnconstrained in how we think, the way we work, who we work with and where we do it.Speed = solving through makingConstant, collaborative iteration, at pace, is how we create better thinking.Humility = strive to be the best without egoAlways bringing a sense of playfulness to good thinking.We have 3 types of partners and products:AgenciesPitch – Thinking that winsProduct – New development and communicationPerception – Internal or external marketing ideasBrandsStrategy – Product or brandStory – Discovery and creationSpark – Upstream thinking to ignite communicationsMediaBriefs – Solving client briefs at paceBeliefs – B2B positioning and comms ideasBehaviour – Designing ways-of-working with clients that last