Paul Peters

District Manager at Clausing Industrial Inc. - , , US

Paul Peters's Contact Details
Clausing Industrial Inc.
Paul Peters's Company Details
Clausing Industrial Inc. logo, Clausing Industrial Inc. contact details

Clausing Industrial Inc.

, , US • 10 - 19 Employees
Construction Machinery

In 1911, the company that would one day become Clausing Industrial, Inc. was founded. Known then as Atlas Press Company, the firm produced arbor presses for the fledgling automotive and other manufacturing industries.Today, Clausing provides United States representation and distribution for its US built line of drill presses and wholly owned production facility in Poland. Clausing also represents and distributes machine tool manufacturers in England, Spain and Taiwan.Clausing products are represented by more than 400 distributors located across the United States, Canada and Mexico.Clausing also maintains a Manufacturing Membership in the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT) as well as the American Machine Tool Distributors Association (AMTDA).Every Clausing product is supported by the Clausing Service Center. The service center is designed solely to support our customers' parts and service needs. Clausing has more than 74,000 parts in inventory. The service center is committed to providing support for machines that were purchased more than 50 years ago. 95% of all parts orders are shipped within 24 hours of receipt.In addition to supplying parts, we have a staff of highly qualified technicians available to solve problems across the country. Regular service schools are conducted for dealer personnel to insure that each Clausing dealer is highly trained.That is, and continues to be for the past 100 years, our commitment to the industry.

Details about Clausing Industrial Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Paul Peters
Paul Peters currently works for Clausing Industrial Inc..
Paul Peters's role at Clausing Industrial Inc. is District Manager.
Paul Peters's email address is *** To view Paul Peters's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Paul Peters works in the Machinery industry.
Paul Peters's colleagues at Clausing Industrial Inc. are Russell Poffenberger, Dennis Pepper, Jerald Rosecrans, Rich Heslinga, Kevin Mungovan, Jeanne Thompson, Bob Stafford and others.
Paul Peters's phone number is 269-345-7155
See more information about Paul Peters