I Corinthians 15:58 says; "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord"The men in our twelve Maryland teams are actively connected in the marketplace and they care about you, the men in the marketplace. We would be delighted to meet you and develop a relationship to share the love that we have experienced in Jesus Christ.Each of our local areas have teams of men who are in the business community. They are experiencing the same things you are experiencing and are successfully applying Biblically based principles in their businesses. Our men are able to share with you the following important tools:1.Operation Timothy- A Biblically based discipleship tool2.Abundant Freedom- Financial and Stewardship Accountability3.Christian Leadership Coaching4.How to form a CBMC team in your city5.Teaching on How to Pray6.Biblical Leadership Principles7.How to grow in and share your FaithYou may be asking; how do I get connected with the men in CBMC? If you currently live or work in one of our local areas listed on the Welcome Page on this website, simply click on the area closest to you and contact with one of the men listed on the contact page. They can tell you about the groups meeting and the ongoing events in your area. If you live in an area not listed on the web site, please contact me and I would be delighted to discuss how CBMC can help you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.We would love to invest in you because we know that our work in the Lord will not come back without having its intended impact. Too much of our efforts and time are spent on things that do not last. We know that time spent with you will be life changing for all involved.