ESA Biosciences, Inc. designed and manufactured specialty high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detectors, instruments, reagents, consumables, and laboratory testing solutions for clinical-diagnostic, biomedical-research, and industrial laboratories worldwide. The company's products included: BioStat multi-mode potentiostat, Corona CAD universal detector, CoulArray-based multi-electrode detection system, Coulochem III-based electrochemical detection system, CS-1200 computer-controlled potentiostat, DiscovArray System, EI-400 bipotentiostat, EZChrom chromatography data systems, Metabolomics System, Model 526 UV and Model 528 UV-Vis detectors, Model 530 fluorescence detector, Omni-101 potentiostat, Plasma Metanephrines System. In 2009, Dionex Corporation acquired the HPLC Division of ESA Biosciences, Inc. The remaining Blood Lead Division consisting of 3010B, LeadCare, and LeadCare II product is operating today as Magellan Diagnostics, Inc.