Smile For Life is a charity dedicated to enriching the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children, young people and their families across the North East of England.We have helped hundreds of young people in various ways - from providing a piece of equipment to enrich their lives to taking groups on trips abroad to broaden their horizons and provide them with new experiences. We put the needs of our beneficiaries at the heart of everything we do. Through our community coffee shop Cafe Beam, based on Ashburton Road in Gosforth, we provide young people with hands-on work experience, allowing them to learn new skills - including cookery and service skills - to give them the best chance of possible of successfully moving into the world of work. We also run challenge and activity days to provide children with a range of disabilities with fun, new and exciting activities and challenges to enjoy in a safe and secure environment, allowing them to make new friends along the way.We run dozens of fundraising events every year, and work closely with businesses across the North East to help us to continue our vital work.If you think your business would be interested in working with Smile For Life - in any capacity - please don't hesitate to get in touch by emailng or calling our office on 0191 284 4166.