Statutair Bestuurder van IMG B.V. at Internationale Meubel Groep - Etten-Leur, North Brabant, Netherlands
Franchise Coördinator Pronto Wonen, Profijt Meubel en Baenks
The Internationale Meubel Groep is a purchasing combination composed of some 25 independent entrepreneurs, in the medium and medium to high segments of the furniture retail market.The different shopconcepts offered by IMG:IN.HOUSE - www.inhousewonen.nlHouse of Dutchz - www.houseofdutchz.nlComfort Suite - www.comfortsuite.nlProfijt Meubel - www.profijtmeubel.nlPronto Wonen - Baenks - www.baenks.nlSuperkeukens - www.superkeukens.nlKeukenDepot -