Open Clean brings to the market a more hygienic beverage can, with a better pour whilst offering more opportunities for promotions. Head on over to to learn more about our product and team.Open Clean™ beverage cans meet the need for hygiene, improved pour and promotions that are not achieved by beverage cans with the current Stay on Tab and overcomes the litter and ingestion issues with the original Ring Pull opening cans.Market research carried out by a leading firm, SWG in Italy, supports these claims with a third of users of SOT being dissatisfied with beverage cans due to hygiene issues on an unprompted basis. During the research, when users were shown and used Open Clean™, half of them said they preferred it due to improvements in hygiene and a better opening. A third of users also said they would change from their favoured brands in SOT cans to a competitor brand if it was available in an Open Clean ™. Bringing Open Clean™ to market is relatively simple and speedy. This innovation is based on proven ends manufacturing technology and can be produced on existing equipment using current shells and tabs with partial tooling changes. For the Brand Owner, Open Clean™ will run on existing filling lines with no need for any adjustment. The Open Clean™ design and concept are incorporated in a number of global patents controlled by International Patents and Brands Corporation. The product was launched at Asia CanTech in Bangkok in November 2017. Samples are now available for testing and there is the opportunity for licensing Open Clean™