Pavan Chenna

Data Analyst at Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O) - Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Pavan Chenna's Contact Details
Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O)
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Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O)

Hyderabad, Telangana, India • 11 - 50 Employees

Mapprr - India's 1st Hyper local offline & real-time product discovery & delivery app. Mapprr helps in finding products from nearby stores with a live availability in the store and get it delivered ( O2O retail ) it is exclusively designed to locate all the nearest stores in your present geographical location or any proposed location of your choice. It is the ideal solution to find & buy products in the stores located near you setting you free from roaming in search of them.You can also search by scanning the barcode printed on the brand cover, thus saving your precious time and tiring physical effort of searching them. Mapprr also has the data and capacity to fetch live availability of products and brands from your nearby stores and get them delivered to your doorstep in just an hour.You Search, We Locate and Deliver.

Details about Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O)
Frequently Asked Questions about Pavan Chenna
Pavan Chenna currently works for Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O).
Pavan Chenna's role at Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O) is Data Analyst.
Pavan Chenna's email address is *** To view Pavan Chenna's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Pavan Chenna works in the Internet industry.
Pavan Chenna's colleagues at Mapprr - 60Mins Delivery App (O2O) are Shantanu Pathak, Sreekanth Marripudi, Dinesh Reddi, Yerabati Koundinya, Ashvin Ramesh, Shruti Balabhadra and others.
Pavan Chenna's phone number is
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