is a Hyper-local Deals Discovery Platform cum Marketplace, helps Buyers to find the best Local Stores & Offers, while helping Sellers to Promote and Grow their Business.As a Shopper, Find the best Local Offers from Stores, Restaurants, Malls & Supermarkets near you with contact info, reviews, followers and more... You can search, like, save, share offers and follow stores to get latest & exclusive offers. If you like any offer, you can contact the store to avail the offer. Keep connected with Stores alwaysVideo: us as a Seller and Promote & Grow your Business for Free!You can Add your store or business and list deals & offers of your products and services for FREE, in a minute. The platform creates Online Presence & Branding of your Business and helps you to Reach Potential Customers to Increase Sales.Video: are connecting the shopping world :)