Intel Digital is an innovative internet services provider and central hub for business marketing and branding. We manage accounts for customers all across the UK providing professional and affordable web solutions for business and residential customers alike.We employ a variety of products and services in our field including domain names, web hosting, web design, marketing campaigns and brand design, etc. We have over a decade of hands on experience in this industry and work using the tools made available to us by established companies such as Google and Facebook to bring our customers the best experience we can. Working alongside Nominet as an accredited registrar we can also offer our customers the very best of .UK domain names at affordable prices.We think social media is a great platform to jump-start any business and a solid foundation to build marketing campaigns from, and take full advantage of the API's available to us as developers. Which is why many of the products we offer specialise in Facebook Business Management.Visit our website today or call to talk to one of our friendly sales team about what we can do for you and your business today, that will return benefits tomorrow.