Founded by Chaya Milchtein, Mechanic Shop Femme is an automotive platform used to help educated regular drivers about their cars. Chaya writes, speaks, and teaches people in a way that's easy to understand. It's not about the "how," Chaya focuses on the why of things. Chaya's writing spans publications ranging from Shondaland to Twin Cities PBS (Rewire.rog) and more. Mechanic Shop Femme has been featured or mentioned in publications like The Chicago Tribune and Reader's Digest. Chaya has spoken at public libraries, universities, and empowerment conferences. Her style is conversational and easy to understand. Her personal story and experience just amplify her message. Ultimately, Mechanic Shop Femme is a space to learn, listen, and be exactly who you are, no matter what size you are, whom you love, or how much you know.