Pedia Pharma Company was established in May,2016 working in the field of drugs manufacturing based on the work of the specialties of obstetrics, gynecology, orthopedics and surgeryAlmost the first pharmaceutical company to be established in Upper Egypt, it's head office in Cairo managed by Dr. Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, a leader in Glaxo International Company.In it's scientific office there are doctors and pharmacists who were in international companies.It has two headquarters in Cairo and Minya. Minya headquarter runs advertising and sales, and Cairo office run registration and manufacturing.Pedia has a distinguished presence in the pharmaceutical industry and is seeking an independent factory within two years.It manufactures its products in well-known factories such as Ik, Leader Factory, Netrexia Factory and Al-Helou Factory. In the coming years it seeks to open an office in DubaiPedia Pharma possesses an export and import card that imports raw materials and has contracts with 6 international factories.Pedia Pharma relies on the credibility and honesty principle to provide better serve to the disciplines it work with.It has many well-known drugs that it has been able to compete with at the level of the GNS in 4 years, taking some qualify that qualify it to compete with international companies.It has many clients and has various departments: publicity and advertising - selling - accounts - public relations .شركة بيديا فارما تم تأسيسها 5/2016 تعمل فى مجال تصنيع الدوائى تقوم على عمل تخصصات النساء و التوليد و العظام و الجراحة تكاد تكون شركة تصنع دوائى الاولى على مستوى الصعيد يوجد لها مكتب فى االقاهرة يرئسه الدكتور محمد على ابراهيم و هو احد اقطاب شركى جالكسو العالميهو يوجد فى مكتبها العلمى اطباء و صيادلة كانوا فى شركات عالميهلها مقرين فى القاهرة و المنيا يقوم مقر المنيا بإدارة الدعايا و البيع و يقوم مكتب القاهرة بإدارة التسجيل و التصنيعشركة بيديا لها حضور لافت فى التصنيع الدوائى و تسعى ان يكون لها مصنع مستقل خلال سنتين