We know your job is the safe transportation of students who are ready to learn. Our purpose is to help transportation officials provide access to education services without the costly and emotionally-draining distractions of legal issues, personnel dilemmas, and operations puzzles. The Mission of Education Compliance Group, Inc., then, is to help you make defensible decisions that further your goals.In addition to conference presentations (topics may be found at www.educationcompliancegroup.com), workshops, company and school district in-services, and roundtables, the consultants of Education Compliance Group, Inc. - Peggy Burns, Mark Hinson, and Pauline Gervais - offer the following services:■Review and revision of school transportation and personnel policy, operations manuals, and forms for states, associations, contractors and school districts ■Direct consultation on issues of legal compliance; human resources; and operations, budget, and training for school transportation professionals■Investigation of employment and student issues in connection with EEOC and OCR complaints■Writing "white papers" and articles about for pupil transportation association newsletters and other media■Litigation consultation and expert witness services