Academic Coordinator (Founder of Language School ) at The Cantonese School of Greater Washington 粵語文化學校 - Rockville, Maryland, United States
本校為三至十七歲的學生提供一個學習中文的機會,由淺入深,以廣東話開始,創立一個互動的學習環境;我們着重培養學生對學習粵語及中國文化的興趣,從而為將來,可以輕鬆地融入普通話的學習。 我們會採用與時並進的教學方法去推行語言和文化教學,務使學習過程輕鬆愉快。我們更致力培訓學生們的閱讀及書寫能力,使他們將來可以靈活地以廣東話、普通話交談。 CSGW is dedicated to providing a progressive and nurturing academic environment for students wishing to learn Cantonese and experience Chinese culture. Our immersion-based program, designed for students from ages 3 to 17, focuses on developing speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students begin with Cantonese, then slowly transition to Mandarin as they advance in the program. Our goal: to graduate students who can converse comfortably in Cantonese and Mandarin, and have the ability to read and write Chinese. Our guiding principle as we reach for that goal: to make learning Chinese easier and more enjoyable through the use of an engaging curriculum and an interactive teaching style. We aim to build a community of students, parents, faculty, and administrators who share in our vision, and will work collaboratively to advance the interests of all our students.