Peggy Morehouse, MA, LMFT, LCSW is a teacher, speaker, and relationship expert, with over 20 years' experience counseling women, couples, and families. In addition to being an expert in life's transitions, marriage, human potential, and interpersonal relations, Peggy has also had extensive experience in counseling on anxiety, depression, and addictions. Licensed in both clinical and social work and in marriage and family therapy Peggy has merged these disciplines into programs that empower people with the courage to be their own hero. She graduated Cum Laude from Auburn University and received her Master's degree from the University of Georgia. Her post-graduate experience includes extensive specialty work in individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, and addictions counseling.Peggy has been in private practice for over two decades. She also conducts training sessions for mental health professionals, provides professional supervision for clinicians, and leads group therapy sessions for the Cancer Support Center at Northside Hospital.Peggy's most valuable experience has been in being "all in" with the joy and vulnerabilities of family life as a wife to Neil, mother of 2 boys and 2 daughter-in-laws.Professional Affiliations and Licenses:Academy of Certified Social WorkersDiplomate of Clinical Social WorkNational Register of Clinical Social WorkersLicensed Clinical Social WorkerLicensed Marriage and Family Therapist