Looking beyond parallelization and focusing on customization and specialization for energy-efficient computing, Falcon Computing provides automated compilation tools, a runtime management tool, and acceleration libraries to enable scalable and seamless integration of heterogeneous accelerating technologies into existing data center infrastructures, with focus on FPGA-based acceleration. Falcon Computing brings orders-of-magnitude performance/power efficiency improvement for key big-data applications, including machine learning and computational genomics/precision medicine.Founded in 2014, Falcon Computing leverages the multi-year research outcomes and experience from the Center for Domain Specific Computing (CDSC), funded by a $10M award under the Expeditions in Computing program from the National Science Foundation in 2009. The CDSC Director, Prof. Jason Cong from UCLA (http://vast.cs.ucla.edu/people/faculty/jason-cong) is a key co-founder of this company.