Our Smart Power Buoy converts waves into sustainable and clean electricity and is a zero emission alternative to offshore diesel generators. The Smart Power Buoy can power autonomous instruments and machinery in the sea with real-time data connectivity. ADVANTAGESEXPECTED RETURN ON INVESTMENT OF 2-4 YEARSAs a rule of thumb, the wave energy buoys are written off by diesel savings in 2-4 years and the life expectancy of the buoys is 15-20 years.SIMPLE TECHNOLOGYFew moving parts like plug-and-play units and low weight make the Smart Power Buoy very suitable for replacing diesel-generated power in remote areas.DESIGNED FOR FULL OCEAN EXPOSUREEven the smallest buoy of only 70 W is designed for full ocean exposure and can operate anywhere in the world, except in areas with drifting ice.MANAGING THE BUOYS FROM SMALL, LOCAL SHIPSBecause of the low weight, the buoys can be installed, serviced and replaced from small, local ships or replaced at sea and serviced on shore in a small, local workshop with trained people.POWER PRODUCTION 24/7The buoys do not switch off at night like photovoltaic systems, but will continuously produce power 24/7 in 1 meter waves.ON GRID/OFF GRID OPERATIONFrom the group of buoys a cable is laid to the shore, where it is connected to a diesel generator grid with an inverter. As soon as the wave electricity is fed into the grid, the diesel generator will throttle back and save fuel.NO NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTThe buoys have little visual impact on the shore, and no negative environmental impact has been observed.