Maritime Network Frederikshavn functions as an overall umbrella network for companies that are geographically based in and around the port of Frederikshavn. The umbrella network are working strategically and broadly to protect its members' common interests.There may be sub-networks / projects targeting specific market segments on members' initiative.The overall strategy for Maritime Network Frederikshavn is primarily to cooperate in joint marketing activity, i.e. work proactively to create growth and development in relevant markets, and secondly to develop new common products and services.The vision for Maritime Network Frederikshavn:We will create Northern Europe's strongest maritime cluster within the maritime service and repair as well as subcontracting for the offshore oil & gas industry.The mission of the Maritime Network Frederikshavn:MNF works for the general interests of the entire members (broadly for community interests), while the sub networks are working more focused and business oriented with concrete business concepts.