PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) is a Central Securities Depository (CSD) in Indonesia Capital Market, which was established in Jakarta on December 23th, 1997, and obtained an operating license on November 11th, 1998. Within Indonesia Capital Market Institutions, KSEI is one of the Self Regulatory Organizations (SRO), alongside PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) and PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI). Based on the provision of Law No. 8 of 1995 regarding the Capital Market, KSEI performs its function as the CSD in Indonesia Capital Market providing organized, fair and efficient central Depository and Securities transaction settlement services. Optimism and dedication become the spirit of KSEI in advancing the Indonesia Capital Market. With the ongoing support of shareholders, consisting of the SROs (BEI and KPEI), Securities Companies, Custodian Banks, and Registrars, KSEI continues to serve the best performance through various initiatives. The various initiatives that has been implemented and research that has developed continuously are carried out to meet the market needs and the latest industry trends.