The Sales Institute is more than a sales training company.We specialise in tailoring The Reverse Selling Method™ to your business for fast successWe know how important CASH FLOW is for today's businesses and this unique sales system has been proven to work in over 150+ industries all over the world.Our passion is People. Helping you achieve extraordinary levels of success both professionally and personally, enabling massive potential of business growth.Our sales programs are designed to ensure you and/or your team are equipped with the most effective sales knowledge to boost sales and profit.With two award winning programs, The Sales Accelerator and CONVERT Club, we have laser focus on the number 1 growth factor for business owners......Having consistent sales coming in the door.We have a 100% success rate in helping your business:1. Increase conversion rates (no matter who takes the lead and so the business is notbusiness owner dependent allowing for scaling)2. Increase the average dollar per sale (which directly impacts the profits margins of thecompany)3. Shorten the sales cycle (so we are spending more time on new revenue generation and less time on following up existing/older leads, allowing the sales team and company to achieve more in less time)