AgriFood Skills Australia was established as one of 11 Industry Skills Councils to provide accurate industry intelligence on current and future skill needs and training requirements for the agrifood industry, including food processing, meat processing, seafood processing, rural and related production and racing. AgriFood is a public company limited by guarantee with an industry-led board of nine directors and five industry advisory standing committees. Funding is provided under contract by the Australian Government through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Complementary to its vision of ‘sustainable economic growth of agrifood industries through world class capabilities', AgriFood's role is to: • provide industry intelligence and advice to industry, governments and Skills Australia on workforce development, skills and labour needs; • provide independent skills, workforce, education and training needs advice to enterprises, matching identified needs with best-practice solutions; • continuously improve Training Packages and their implementation in delivering job-ready people and enhancing enterprise capability.