BASIQ is a service provider for all industries connected with precious metals, be it mining, development, fabrication, processes, marketing, accounting, controlling, security or recovery. We are offering unique services in three different areas of the business:1. Metals Management and Security: We provide consulting services to protect precious metals and the people involved with them. This includes concepts, strategies, designs, training, audits and investigations. BASIQ PM-PRO is the most widely used SAP add-on in the industry to track and valuate precious metals, and to simplify processes in all areas of standard SAP. We recently added BASIQ OpenPM, a software with similar features designed to work with virtually any ERP or accounting software, either locally or via the Internet. It is geared at small and medium size companies for which SAP is too complex and/or too expensive.2. New Markets: We create and explore opportunities for new products and services; collect market data by industry or territory; lay the ground for our client's expansion into new markets including the preparation of business plans and the connection with funding or investment sources; we provide unique angles and properties for products or services to set our clients apart from competition.3. New Technologies: Drawing resources from a pool of industry experts, BASIQ has been instrumental in the optimization of production processes, the re-engineering of metal recovery processes and the creation of new products.