The Washington Japanese Heritage Center (Keisho Center) is designed to meet the needs of families residing here permanently or for the foreseeable future who want their children to learn the language and culture of their heritage. ワシントン日本語継承センターは、当面の日本帰国予定はないけれども、日本語と日本文化を学びたい、学ばせたい、より長く続けさせたい、そんなニーズに応えた学び舎です。 For those families who plan to live outside Japan, there are few opportunities to use Japanese on a daily basis. While traditional methods of studying of Japanese often lead to frustration, Keisho Center goal is to develop a desire in each child to continue learning throughout his or her life. Come join us! 日常で日本語に触れる時間が十分でなく、日本に帰国する予定もない子供たちに、学校で日本語まで学ばせるのは大変すぎる、とあきらめてしまう前に、私たちでできることをご一緒に考えてみませんか?