Circulation and Special Events Manager- Where Magazine and GuestBook- Dallas,Houston,San Antonio
WhereTraveler® is the world's premier name in travel publishing. From magazines and books to maps and comprehensive digital content, WhereTraveler® gives travelers everything they need from a local perspective. Each year, 246 million travelers trust WhereTraveler® for up-to-date information on where to go and what to see in more than 100 cities worldwide. Dynamic content created by local editors covers essential dining, shopping, attractions, entertainment options and more, all from an insider's point of view.Digital Syndication:-Our digital syndication service provides travel information through web services, RSS, or iFrame.-Ability to deliver travel information to any web or mobile technology while enhancing the consumer experience.-Offer real-time access to the latest travel content produced by Where.-Includes geo-targeted information for lodging, dining, shopping, attractions and more.-Filtered to be industry specific and can include text, images, and video.-Utilize simple tagging to fit the look and feel of the site while providing seamless integration.Connect with us: