Aura Energy (ASX:AEE) (AIM:AURA) is an Australian based minerals company that has major polymetallic and uranium projects with large resources in Europe and Africa. The Company has rapidly grown by acquiring new projects in areas with known polymetallic and uranium occurrences including Sweden and greenfield projects in MauritaniaThe Company is now focused on the Tiris Uranium Project, a major greenfields uranium discovery in Mauritania, with Aura Energy announcing a Resource Upgrade in August 2021 of 10% or 5.0 million lb U3O8 bringing the total JORC Resource to 56 Mlbs (at a 100 ppm U3O8 lower cut-off grade).Aura Energy also completed a capital estimate update for the Tiris Definitive Feasibility Study, to reflect current global pricing, with these 2021 figures reconfirming Tiris as one of the lowest capex, lowest operating cost uranium projects.The Company is now undertaking Stage 2 exploration at Tiris as it progresses the project to near term production.